6 grammar rules you don’t know you know

It’s safe to say grammar wasn’t the highlight for many people during their school days. Playing with Bunsen burners and putting...

This Is Why Punctuation Matters

- Has blade, named Sting. - Let’s eat Grandpa. -I had eggs, toast and orange juice. -It’s raining, cats and dogs.
belgium flag on top of the building

Mëso gjuhë gjermane përmes këtyre app

Shumë sipërmarrje, institute, grupe dhe autorë privatë zhvillojnë dhe ofrojnë sot një shumëllojshmëri zgjedhjesh për aplikacione që shërbejnë për të...

Avoiding the Misuse of Lie/Lay

Incorrect: He was laying on the couch. Correct: He was lying on the couch. If you plan to place or put an...

Disa shprehje ideomatike në gjuhën angleze!

Të nderuar nxënës dhe studentë këtu mëposhtë keni të bashkangjitura disa shprehje ideomatike të gjuhës së përditshme angleze. Në këto...

10 Wise Words to Live By This Summer

What does summer mean to you? Children Playing “Don’t grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach.”...

Mos t'ju ik!