Frequently used phrasal verbs and one word synonyms
Frequently used phrasal verbs and one word synonyms
This Is Why Punctuation Matters
- Has blade, named Sting.
- Let’s eat Grandpa.
-I had eggs, toast and orange juice.
-It’s raining, cats and dogs.
5 Writing Rules that Should Be Ignored
We are often told how we should and shouldn’t write. We’ve all heard the so-called rules. But in this day...
10 Wise Words to Live By This Summer
What does summer mean to you?
Children Playing
“Don’t grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach.”...
Relationship idioms
Relationship idioms
get on like a house on fire = to get on really well with someone: “They get on like...
Si të mësoj anglisht?
Këtu janë disa këshilla të cilat mund të ju ndihmojë për të zotëruar gjuhën angleze!
Flisni pa frikë
Problemi më i madh...